The Policy Observatory provides a lens on public policy in Aotearoa New Zealand. We conduct and commission research on economic, social and environmental policy issues, publishing results in accessible forms. Based at Auckland University of Technology, we work in a collaborative, networked way with researchers in public institutions and the private sector. The purpose of The Policy Observatory is to promote and facilitate the “critic and conscience” role of the University. Ultimately, we are concerned that policy advances the common good.

Dr Julienne Molineaux
Julienne Molineaux is the Director of The Policy Observatory and Editor of the Briefing Papers. She has a PhD in Political Studies (Public Sector Management) from the University of Auckland.
David Hall
Senior Researcher
David Hall is a Senior Researcher with The Policy Observatory. He has a D.Phil in Politics from the University of Oxford and experience in journalism, publishing and the non-governmental sector. His research interests include ethics and public policy, and environmental policy.
Keri Mills
Senior Researcher
Keri Mills is a Senior Researcher with The Policy Observatory. She has a PhD in history from the Australian National University, and has worked in academia and the public service. Her research interests are in settler-indigenous relationships and environmental history.
Ian Shirley
Emeritus Professor
Professor Shirley was a Professor of Public Policy at AUT, and founded The Policy Observatory. He died in early 2019. A note about his death and his career is here
Advisory Board
Desna Jury
Auckland University of Technology
Desna Jury is Professor and Pro Vice-Chancellor of Student Experience and Success at Auckland University of Technology. She chairs the Advisory Board of The Policy Observatory

Derek McCormack
Auckland University of Technology
Derek McCormack is the Vice Chancellor of the Auckland University of Technology.

Tim Maloney
Auckland University of Technology
Tim Maloney is Professor and Head of the School of Economics in the Faculty of Business, Economics & Law at the Auckland University of Technology

Natalie Jackson
Massey University
Natalie Jackson @ Natalie Jackson Demographics is a former Professor and Director of NIDEA, and currently adjunct Professor at Massey University

Richard Bedford
Auckland University of Technology
Richard Bedford is Professor of Migration at the Auckland University of Technology and President of the Royal Society of New Zealand

Paul Dalziel
Lincoln University
Paul Dalziel is Professor of Economics at Lincoln University and Deputy Director of the Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit

Geoff Bertram
Victoria University
Geoff Bertram is an Economist and Senior Associate with the Institute for Governance and Policy Studies at Victoria University of Wellington

Jim Mather
Te Taiurungi of Te Wananga o Aotearoa
Jim Mather is CEO and Te Taiurungi of Te Wananga o Aotearoa and former Chief Executive of Maori Television and the Pacific Business Trust

Peggy Fairbairn-Dunlop
Auckland University of Technology
Peggy Fairbairn-Dunlop is Foundation Professor of Pacific Studies and Director of Va’atele Pacific at the Auckland University of Technology

Felicity Lamm
Auckland University of Technology
Felicity Lamm is Associate Professor of Employment Relations and Co-Director of the Occupational Health and Safety Research Centre at the Auckland University of Technology

Wayne Hope
Auckland University of Technology
Wayne Hope is a Professor of Communication Studies at Auckland University of Technology and Co-Director of the Journalism, Media and Democracy Centre

Rod Oram
Adjunct Professor
Auckland University of Technology
Rod Oram is a business journalist and columnist, including for the Sunday Star-Times and Radio New Zealand National.

Geoffrey Craig
Auckland University of Technology
Geoffrey Craig is head of research for the Auckland University of Technology School of Communications and a former Reuters journalist

Adjunct Professors
Greg Clark
Business of Cities
Greg Clark is the Chairman and founder of the Business of Cities an intelligence and strategy group based in London, that comments and reports on global trends and changes in urban development.

Len Cook
Len Cook is a former Government Statistician both in New Zealand and the United Kingdom. He is the Families Commissioner and immediate Past President of the NZ Institute of Public Administration.

Brian Easton
Brian Easton is one of New Zealand’s most distinguished economists with a unique profile as an economist, consultant, journalist and commentator. He is a former Director of the NZ Institute of Economic Research and in 2009 was named the NZIER/NBR economist of the year.

Xavier Greffe
University of Paris
Xavier Greffe is Professor of Economics with the University of Paris at the Sorbonne. He is internationally renowned as one of the leading figures of the LEED programme of the OECD where he has been a consultant on economic development in Europe and Asia/Pacific.

Caroline Saunders
Lincoln University
Caroline Saunder is Professor of Trade and Environmental Economics, Director of the Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit at Lincoln University, and a member of the Biosecurity Ministerial Advisory Committee. NZIER Economist of the year 2007.

David Shand
IMF and World Bank
David Shand (Ngai Tahu) is a Consultant on public financial management for the IMF and the World Bank, a former member of the Royal Commission on Auckland Governance and former Chair of the Independent Commission of Inquiry into Local Government Finance.

Marilyn Waring
Auckland University of Technology
Marilyn Waring is a former Member of Parliament, an activist for female human rights and environmental issues, a development consultant, author and academic. NZIER Economist of the year in 2014 and Professor of Public Policy at the Auckland University of Technology.

Rod Oram
Business Journalist
Rod Oram is a business journalist and columnist with over 40 years’ experience. He is an award-winning communicator on business, economics, innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship, both in New Zealand and global contexts.

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The rationale behind this is the same as the rationale behind The Observatory: to communicate ideas with the public, as widely as possible.

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